To help us tracking and solving more efficiently issues with Grid, please report problems using the issue system of GitHub rather than sending emails to Grid developers.

We also suggest to have a brief look at the closed issues pages and check whether the problem has been addressed already.

When you file an issue, please go though the following checklist:

  1. Check that the code is pointing to the HEAD of develop or any commit in master which is tagged with a version number.
  2. Give a description of the target platform (CPU, network, compiler). Please give the full CPU part description, using for example cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | uniq (Linux) or sysctl machdep.cpu.brand_string (macOS) and the full output the --version option of your compiler.
  3. Give the exact configure command used.
  4. Attach config.log.
  5. Attach grid.config.summary.
  6. Attach the output of make V=1.
  7. Describe the issue and any previous attempt to solve it. If relevant, show how to reproduce the issue using a minimal working example.